Mobile Push
- Are push notifications stored and retrieved via history API?
- Can I prevent my iOS end users having an invalid registration token (push message token)?
- Can I push to sandbox and production with the same key?
- Can I send large messages via APN?
- Can I send push notifications to an iOS simulator?
- Can I set a time limit for a push notification?
- Do ad hoc APNS deployments require a production certificate?
- How can I troubleshoot my push notification issues?
- How do I prevent users from getting their own messages as push notifications?
- How do I register a device with a channel?
- How many channels can I register with a device in one REST call?
- How many channels can I register with a mobile device for push?
- How will APNS deprecation affect my push notifications?
- What are the push type options for iOS devices?
- What devices support APNS?
- What is a valid APNS message payload?
- What native mobile push notification services are supported?
- What SDKs support mobile push notifications?
- When does PubNub send a message vs push notification?
- Where is APNS Explained?
- Where is mobile push notification documented?
- Why are my FCM push notifications not working?
- Why does my push certificate fail when uploading to my PubNub account?